
I am Victor Darkes, and I am a Software Engineer.

The Walt Disney Company

I joined the Movies Anywhere team as a back-end software engineer in September 2018. I write and maintain microservices. Some of the languages frameworks and technologies that I work with are: Kotlin, Java, Spring Boot, Gradle, Maven, Kafka, Docker, Kubernetes, GitLab CI, Helm, Postgres Database, Facebook's GraphQL, HashiCorp Terraform, Atlassian Jira & Confluence, and AWS SQS, S3, DynamoDB, Lambda & CloudWatch.


I was a member of the cyber security business strategy and engagement team for film from July 2018 - September 2018. I supported cybersecurity filmed entertainment business leaders in monitoring and reporting business system patching status, including engaging with key technical business stakeholders. My day to day responsibilities consisted of cataloging, prioritizing and supporting the delivery of key recommendations to further secure critical workflows with industry insight, tools, and practices. I played a critical role in establishing the foundations of a more robust vulnerability management program for the Filmed Entertainment business.

Walt Disney Parks & Resorts

I was previously an intern for Walt Disney Attraction Technology from January 2018 to May 2018. I was part of a team that worked with back-end web services that interacted with global Walt Disney Parks and Resorts' websites. I worked with Java web services using technologies such as Docker, Apache Tomcat, and Maven. Created alerts and dashboards using Splunk to monitor and notify when errors occurred. Participated in an Agile Scrum environment with a team using Atlassian Confluence for updating and creating internal documentation and Atlassian Jira for logging and tracking tickets.

Cal Poly Pomona - Student Innovation Idea Lab

I was a web developer at my university, with a specific entrepreneurial organization called the Student Innovation Idea Lab from October 2017 to February 2018. I designed, built and maintained web pages using HTML and CSS. I used Bootstrap 3, the front-end framework along with both Cascade and WordPress as a CMS. Created mockups for potential sites with Adobe Illustrator.

NASA Jet Propulsion Lab

I worked on an Android application as an intern from June 2017 to August 2017. I was part of User Centered Design Group. I developed an Android mobile application to be used as a spacecraft assembly workflow tracking system. Engineering and QA use QR coded labels to identify and track all parts of a spacecraft from receiving to final assembly, testing, and launch. The application provided for continuous photo documentation, annotation, and indexed searching of all the events during assembly. I used Amazon Web Services S3, along with ZXing, Realm, EasyPrefs, Gson and Volley Android libraries.


I was introduced to Kotlin while working with The Walt Disney Company. It's the primary language I use to program both professionally and recreationally.

Spring Framework

I was first introduced to the Spring Framework in university and was able to learn more when I interned for the Walt Disney Company. Now I work with Spring daily at work and write and maintain multiple microservices that leverage Spring.


The first programming language that I learned was Java. I have managed to use it for just about every Computer Science course I took in university. I still use it daily professionally.


I wanted to get into mobile developer and with my knowledge of Java, Android was the most logical choice. To learn more about developing with Android I have taken a upper division Mobile Development course at my university, Google Applied CS with Android courses. I have published apps in the Google Play store.

Google Firebase

I have had an opportunity of working with various components of Google's Firebase during some of my projects. I have worked with Firebase Storage, Firebase Database, Firebase Cloud Messaging, and Firebase Authentication.

Amazon Web Services

I took a Cloud Computing and Big Data course at my university and worked with a variety of the services that Amazon has available. Some of the services I have worked with include: S3, EC2, DynamoDB, Elasticsearch & Kibana. I also was introduced to Lambda and Simple Queue Service. Professionally, I use DynamoDB, SQS, CloudWatch, CloudFront, Lambda, and S3.


I use GitLab at work and heavily use GitLab CI to automate builds and deployments. I have a personal account. I have my own GitHub that I use for version control regarding my course and extracurricular projects. I have taken a Linked Learning Course, Git Essential Training.


I have worked with Bootstrap on a previous site. I made this website using Google's material design framework.


I have taken university level course that have allowed me to work with C++ and I also put that knowledge to work when I was involved in the Northrop Gruman Collaboration Project.


I have taken two university level hardware courses where I learned MIPS assembly instruction set.


A friend and I wanted to learn how to make a messaging app. Brian created the login, sign up process and the messaging features, and I streamlined the login and sign up process, introduced image uploading and implemented push notifications for when users recieve new messages. The app uses different Google Firebase services. I worked with Firebase Storage, Firebase Cloud Messaging, and Firebase Database. Libraries I used were EasyPrefs, Volley, ChatKit, Glide and Gson. Download it from the Google Play Store.


Musicality is a musician utility app that contains a guitar tuner, metronome and beats per minute calculator. I implemented a feature new to Android 7.1 (API level 25) called app shortcuts that allow users to go straight to a feature in the app. I made a website and I had it published on the Google Play Store.

Holey Moley

A friend and I worked on a game similar to whack-a-mole in an afternoon. The moles appear based on a timer and the push taps on a mole to get points. There are snakes that appear as well and if a user taps on those then they lose a life. The app stores the top three highest scores.

File Uploading Application

I made a Dropbox type application in Javascript that uses Express web framework and watches a directory on a local machine and updates changes to Amazon Web Services S3.

Dog Image Recognition

I worked with a team at Cal Poly Pomona's own hackathon - Hackpoly - to make a image recognition site using Clarifai's API that would determine whether or not image uploaded is a dog or not.


I am very active on the internet. Follow me on all the socials and feel free to reach out!